Sustainability report 2022/2023

Uhlmann Pac-Systeme

This year’s sustainability report from the Swabian medium-sized company once again captivates with its clear form and structure and personal visual language. The structure is thoughtfully designed around the fields of action covering the key topics. The chapter color coding makes it easier for readers to navigate, while complex content is effectively illustrated with the help of process diagrams. The interactive mouse pointer function allows readers to delve deeper into specific content. In response to the change in the scope of consolidation, the data tables in the appendix were structured accordingly. Uhlmann, with the advisory support of HGB, reports in reference to the GRI requirements and incorporates the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Services: Concept, design, preparation of report, sustainability consulting, text work


»Die Nähe zu den Mitarbeitenden und die individuelle Wertschätzung zeichnen Uhlmann als Familienunternehmen aus.«

Hedwig Uhlmann