Facts and figures 2024, Greenprint 2024
Compact and clear for everyone: vivid, large-format images of diverse customers and competent advisors show what Provinzial stands for: proximity and quality. Both media, linked by Provinzial’s signature look, also emphasize independence: “Facts & Figures” offers an overview of the entire Group. In addition to the PDF, a limited print run of the brochure is distributed to selected readers. The “Greenprint”, which compiles relevant, sustainable activities and ESG key figures, avoids material and production, and is available online as an intereactive, reader-friendly PDF in landscape format.
Services: Concept, storytelling, layout, implementation, "Greenprint" text

„Für jede Versicherung ist Nachhaltigkeit Teil
des Geschäftsmodells. Das gilt noch stärker
für die Regionalversicherer wie die Provinzial.“
Dr. Monika Sebold-Bender, Botschafterin Club of Rome