System-supported implementation of the report family


Together with ARAG, we’ve completely transformed their reporting. We reimagined the design of twelve different reports from various Group companies and transferred them, including their content, to the word-based SmartNotes system. The individual departments went on to process the reports with our support. We then performed the final fine-tuning and created interactive PDFs, along with five English translations. The Group report now also features a newly designed communications section for a compact presentation of the Group.

Services: Development of report layout, conception and implementation of communicative pages, creation of graphics, accompanying implementation and fine-tuning in SmartNotes, merging of the report sections into interactive PDFs, print production


Our Values

Pioneering spirit thrives on openness and foresight –
employ our drive with discipline

Auf Erfolgskurs:
Starkes Prämienwachstum,
Ertragskraft und eine robuste
unterstreichen die
Leistungsfähigkeit des
ARAG Konzerns.